How to Grow Parwal from Seeds at Home and Care

How to grow parwal from seeds at home is easy and care. Parwal is mainly a summer seasonal vegetable. The production of Pointed Gourd is huge in comparison to other vegetable, from 4 to 15 tons per hector.

Parwal Nutrition and Health Benefit

  1. Improve digestion
    Much like Green bean and Cabbage, this green vegetable contains fiber, which helps digestion process. It also helps to solve gastrointestinal problems and liver problems.
  1. To cure constipation
    Pointed Gourd seed is such a powerful vegetable that cures constipation and helps to release stool.
  1. Helps to reduce weight
    As in Bottle gourd the amount of calories in Pointed Gourd is low. So, one can eat them as much as they can without the tension of being fatty. The appetite also helps to keep the stomach full and help to reduce hunger.
  1. Helps to refine blood
    It plays an important role to refine our blood. It keeps skin good as Okra does so.
  1. Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar
    The small seeds of Pointed Gourd help to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar naturally.
  1. Helps to cure flu
    Pointed Gourd is used as medicine of herbal treatment in case of cold, fever and throat pain.
  1. Beneficial for the skin
    It is beneficial to skin as it contain vitamin A, vitamin c and antioxidant. It also prevent the old age mark and keeps us younger looking.

how to grow pointed gourd

Kinds of Pointed Gourd

There is no main and specific variety of pointed gourds. It is known by different name at different country.


It multiplies through the stem. The most important feature of it is that the root remains alive even after the death of the tree. The root breeds new plant providing new opportunity of reproduction. It’s important to wait for plantation until the root comes out.

Climate and Soil

Warm and humid temperature is suitable for farming it. Sandy and sandy loamy soil is best for the purpose. Silt soil or beside the river can be chosen to this regard.

Time of Seedling

Winter is the time for pointed gourd cultivation. Sandy loamy soil is perfect having a drainage facility for water logging.

Land Preparation and Planting

Make the land for 3or 4 times tilling it properly. Make the soil shuffle using ladder and make sure the land gets a proper level. It is better to plant them in bed to save from the rainy season. Generally a bed is 1.0-1.5 meters wide, after each one to three meters, the plantation should be performed.

A channel of 75 cm must be maintained between two beds. For a proper pollination, there should be 10% male plant, 1male for per 10 female trees. Before using the organic manure, it is essential to make them rotten properly. It is a long termed vegetable. So after collecting the vegetable for each time, we need to apply 18 kg Urea, 25 kg TSP, and 14kg MP for maximizing the production.

Applying Fertilizer

1.0 kg cow dung, 250 gm oil cake, 100 gm urea, 170 gm TSP, 130 gm MOP, 20 gm and boron should be applied per scaffold at the time of sowing. When the flowers is reduced, 500 gm cow dung, 70 gm urea, 90 gm TSP and 100 gm MOP fertilizer should be applied for getting more yield.

The Quantity and the Applying Method

Name of fertilizer Amount (for per acre)
Urea 55 Kg
TSP 70 Kg
Mop 50 Kg
Cow dung 3000 Kg

All the manure which is mixed well except urea, should be applied during cultivation. Urea can be applied in 3 installments. 1st installment is after growing seedling 15-20 days, 2nd is after 15-20 days of 1st and the final is after 15-20 days of 2nd installment.

Scaffolding the Bed

Pointed Gourd is like herbs plant. So, there will be white or yellow spot on the vegetable if it is grown on the ground.  As a result, market value and exportable quality is hampered. So, to provide a scaffold is essential in this regard.

Irrigated Water Management

Pointed Gourd cannot tolerate water logging. So, additional drainage system is needed for water logging.


Pointed Gourd is a vegetable based on pollination. There are difference between male or female Pointed Gourd trees. As mentioned before, 10% male trees should be planted for a proper pollination. If the pollination is not happened, the flower will dry and fall. Pollination period lasts from 5 am to 8 am.

Artificial pollination is made sure by collecting Male pollen from male flower then touch it with womb of female flower. Male flower grows after 15 to 29 day from female flower. So, male trees should be planted 15 to 20 days before female trees.

Additional Care

To save from the disease and to ensure the growth of the herbs, scaffold is a must. Besides, we can grow them on the ground spreading straw. In such case, there is a possibility to be attacked by the disease and harmful insects. The vegetable gets faded, the flowers get rotten, the trees are damaged and the fruits are also sometimes rotten on the ground. So, it is better to grow them on the scaffold.

how to grow parwal from seeds at home

Insects of Parwal

Several kinds of insect attack the farm. Cut worms, fruit flies, worms, termite insects, and red spider is well known.

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies lay their eggs in a hole in the soft fruit. The eggs hatch out of sports. They eat the soft fruit from inside and grown insect comes out finally.


Keeping the farm clean and using trap is the most popular way to control such situation. Another fruitful way is to use toxic traps. In addition, insects can be controlled by using sex pheromone trap.

Beetles Epilacena

Adult insects and larvae both damage trees. They eat the green part of leaf and make the leaf such like a net. The tree will die when all the leaves are under invasion.


Farming area will be completely clean and kept free from weeds. Have a consultation with an agriculture officer if the oppression is bitter.

Pointed Gourd Diseases and Remedies

Root knot disease

Root knotting is one of the major problems. It is caused by worms attack. It causes several knot small and big. As a result, root cannot carry the food elements and the tree becomes weaker.


  • Keep the land clean.
  • Cultivate several types of vegetable accordingly.
  • Refine the plant before planting.
  • Make the land properly.
  • Keep the land free before using it for farming during the hot days.

Production and Collection

The vegetable is collected when it is ever green. According to the variety, they become ready to be collected within 10-12 days. We need to collect them before they get extra maturity. It makes them unsuitable to consumption. The production is 30 to 38 tons.

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