How to Make Papaya Juice, Its Amazing 10 Health Benefits
How to make papaya juice, is a very easy and simple process. The fruit papaya popularly known as the fruit of angel having a herbaceous history from a long ago. It is a tasty and delicious fruit containing vitamin, mineral and antioxidants.
A girl suffering from irregular Menstruating is advised to eat papaya regularly. It contains a lot of natural sugar. So a patient of diabetic is also provided a lot of papaya. Papaya is the best treatment for burnt injury. We can use it to identify clone cancer. Also people believe it to have some mysterious qualities in papaya.
Every day we need a glass of papaya juice. To get minerals and vitamins, is has hardly any comparison. It prevents allergy, contains vitamin A, B, C and K. It also contains beta carotene. You can also grow papaya vegetable.
How to Make The Juice
- Fully ripen papaya 500 gm
- Orange juice 1 cup
- Lemon juice 3 table spoons
- Honey 1 tea spoon
Make a mixture of all the elements .Blend it until the papaya gets enough liquidity. Pour the juice into a big glass pot. Now it is ready to serve.
Food Value
Each 100 gm juice contains-
- Vitamin C 74%
- Vitamin_A 41%
- Vitamin B9 10%
- Fat 0.14 %
- Fiber 1.8 %
Health Benefits of Papaya Juice
The usefulness of papaya juice is beyond discuses. Much like Tomato juice, it has a plenty of food values and immense importance to our health. Top 10 health benefits of papaya juice is given below:
Preventing Cancer
Papaya juice plays a vital role preventing cancer especially clone cancer. It is scientifically proved that papaya contains lycopene that prevents cancer ultimately.
Increase Skin Brightness
Papaya is very useful to skin. It heals acne, makes our skin naturally bright and younger looking.
Prevents Gastric Problem
The enzyme of papaya and other fiber makes our liver strong, keeps it active and increase our digestion.
Reducing Heart Stroke
It is proved that papaya controls high blood pressure and reduces the possibility of heart stroke.
Heal Constipation
The juice of papaya is an ultimate medicine for constipation. Papaya contains enough fiber that helps to stool.
Prevent Irregular Menstruate
Papaya is used for Menstruating treatment. It keeps the period section smooth and maintains its regularity.
Increase the Disease Prevention Power
Containing a lot of vitamins, minerals and other natural elements essential for our physical fitness, it keeps us healthy and increases our power to prevent diseases.
Improve Eye Sights
It is reported that papaya juice improves our eye sights. As we know that the very juice contains a plenty of vitamin A, C and E. Generally vision loss causes by the age. Papaya juice not only improves our vision power but also reduces ages’ mark. It provides carotenoids lutein and protects from high energy blue light that affects the retina.
Healing Our Hair
Papaya juice has hardly any comparison healing our hair. Besides it takes care of our skin, it also maintains the growth of our hair. It smoothed our hair, maintains the softness of it. It also reduces the excessive hair fall.
Loosing Weight
Providing a considerable amount of dietary fiber and less fat, it helps loosing weight. Each and every papaya can provide 120 calories on an average. So, for a planning weight loss we can add this food item to our food list.
Papaya contains vitamin A and C that cures us from fever and cold as well. So, it is recommended to keep this food item in your food list every day.