Pot Planting Ideas for Vegetable Garden on Roof

Pot planting ideas for vegetable garden on roof is very easy. Vegetables are the main source of vitamins and minerals of our body. So, the fresher vegetable we will eat, the healthier we will be. The urban people generally depends on the market for fresh vegetable to maintain good health. But, we can cultivate vegetables on the roof and porch in large, medium and small pots in different size by means of less labor.

Pot Planting Ideas

The vegetables which can be cultivated in pots are tomato, broccoli, okra, eggplant, pepper, cucumber, Ridge gourd, pumpkin, beans, ipomoea aquatic suit, gourd, Malabar spinach, papaya, mint leaves, coriander leaves, lettuce and broccoli etc.

Best Potting Soil

For preparing the seedbed, soil should be shuffle, light and having the capacity of water retention.We should refine soil with sieved to make it free from germ. Seedbed soil will be made by mixing halt sandy loamy soil with half organic fertilizer. If the soil is not sandy loamy, mix ¼ percent sand with the soil for the better germination.

By refining and sterilize the soil, we can easily protect the young plant from diseases and damage. Generally 40% of 1 litter formaldehyde is mixed with 40 litters of water and 25 litter of such mixer is applied at per cube meter of soil. Then two days later, cover the soil with gunny sack and unveil the soil and thus the soil becomes free from germ.

Sowing and Irrigation of Pot Planting Ideas

Shuffle the soil following the previous rules and the upper section of the pot or container should be shared flat. The seeds should be sowed very lightly into the pot grabbing the whole selected area. The seeds should be drowned by organic fertilizer. Water should be given every day with a small leaky water pot. It is needless to notice that the organic fertilizer prevents the seeds being removed from the actual position by the speed of water.

So, notice carefully the level of fertilizer is good enough. Stop removing them by extra irrigation or flood. Also, over irrigation can remove the small seeds and interrupt the germination process. So, there should be a facilities of irrigation from the bottom; not from the upper of the seedbed.

Care of Pot Planted Vegetable

Sometime different kinds of birds, ants and spiders etc. can damage vegetable seedling. Apply heptachlor 40 to protect the corps from attracts of ants and spiders. To save the crop from birds and insects, we need to spread a net of wire or nylon around the garden. Sometime it happens that there are different kinds of weeds in pot before sowing. Apply hoe to clean the weed from the pot seedlings.

We should do the task carefully so that the plants do not get hurt. It is mostly important to place the pot such a position where air and light is available. But, we should remove the pots to the safe place from additional storm- rain- sun- heat.

Collecting of Vegetables

Growing Vegetables in PotsIt is an important task to collect the vegetable timely. It is better to fulfill the consumption when the vegetables are soft and fresh. Collecting the vegetable timely will increase the production rate as well. We should not collect the vegetables plucking them harshly; rather, collect them softly and friendly. In this way, the vegetable plants will remainsafe from damage hurt as well.

The Benefits of Cultivation in Pot

There are several advantages of cultivating vegetables in the pot. They are as below:

  1. Pot saves vegetables from natural disaster, heat, excessive rain, drought, storm, tempest etc.
  2. To saved the vegetable from oppression of birds and animal, we can use only a net.
  3. Usage of unused pot or other things can minimize the actual expense.
  4. One should not expense additional seeds.
  5. We can apply organic manure or pesticides made at home..
  6. We can apply them in house to decorate the outlook. Ultimately it will increase beauty of our surrounding as well.

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