How to Grow Hydroponic Coriander, Easy Tips and Tricks
Now a day, it has been a common issue and most people often ask how to grow hydroponic coriander. It is very simple and pleasuring. Today, we’ll learn some tips and tricks about growing coriander as hydroponic greens in NFT system.
Do you know that cilantro and coriander are not different; the greens having fan-shaped leaves to the flat is called cilantro while coriander essentially means the seeds being used as a spice. Cilantro leaves are best known for their special aroma and flavor which the seeds don’t have. Disrespecting that, both of them can be applied in same dishes especially if you are going to enjoy an Indian cuisine.
If you are looking for an exquisite addition to your dishes, think about cilantro leaves which are second to none as both a main ingredient or as a garnish.
Starting hydroponic coriander
You must remember that you are going to start growing coriander as hydroponic green. It essentially means that they’ll be grown without soil. To become successful in such a project, you must select a right kind of coriander from the varieties. Of course, selection of a best kind and well preparation is half of your total success. So, you must select a variety that is resistance to bolting because it is regarded as the most important and one of the major problems in hydroponic herbs plantation.
Varieties to try
- Marino
- Santo
- Calypso
The above mentioned are the best suited varieties for hydroponic cultivation.
Notes to recall
For being large and rounded, coriander seeds are very to handle. Also it is best sown into any of your individual cells, pots or cubes as the seedlings does not suit to transplant in order to propagation. You might be waiting for only five days to observe germination only if the temperature is about to 70-80 degrees F.
At the same time, cilantro seeds will take approximately 7-14 days to germinate as they are quite hard coated. When the sprouts appear, transplant them into a hydrophone system. Don’t worry if the seedlings seem to be growing slowly at the beginning, they will prove a rapid growth after they are provided adequate nutrients through water.
If you want to enjoy the greens for a long time, avoid bulk of them at the same time sowing a lot of seeds at once. Instead, maintain a sequel. Maintain a gap of one or two weeks for sowing. This will allow you harvesting for a long time.
Ideal conditions to grow hydrophone coriander or cilantro
- temperature: 40-80
- PH range: 6.5-6.6
- EC: 1.6-1.8
Cilantro bolts easily in hot conditions. Also it loves a low salt and cool weather extends to germination. 60-degree F will befit for germination than 70-80 F. Start trimming the bolts to adjust environment once it triggers bolting. Remember, the plant becomes bitter and harsh when it bolts. In order to minimize the potential crop failure, you can buy some seeds that will ensure you slow bolting.
Steps to follow
- Purchase or collect some seeds from a reliable source to ensure best germination.
- Create some pressure to crush the seeds into two halves. Avoid smashing them into powder.
- Take your selected container and of course it is not transparent.
- Pour some water to fill the pot.
- Install a net basked over the pot.
- Apply some additional water to keep the seeds in touch of water and you will never let your seeds dry.
- To maintain enough moisture for your seeds, you can cover them with a tissue paper or a cotton cloth.
- Allow your setup to place in a bright place. If it is winter, direct sunlight will do no harm.
- Never forget to save your setup from the dog days of summer. Never place it in direct sunlight, I mean.
- Wait for about a week and your seeds will start germinating.
- Remove the cover of the tissue paper or cloth to allow the roots into the water.
- There are a lot of liquid fertilizer in the market. Consult with a agro specialist or an experienced gardener if you think your plants are in need of any chemical ingredient.
- Change the water within every 15 days to ensure better growth and free from fungal attack in the root system.
- Within 25 days, you will find some true leaves in reality.
- For the second sowing pot, you will notice that germination has just started. Orderly, the process will carry on and you will be able to enjoy the greens for a long if you maintain a sequel of sowing seeds as I mentioned before.
Harvesting your coriander
It depends on the grower when he’ll harvest it as all the parts of the plants are use-able. So, the time of harvesting it for leaves defers from the time for seeds and flower. We must focus on the time that suits best for leaves. In this cause, you can harvest it from the seedlings as micro-greens to mature plants especially before it starts flowering. The young plants have a mild flavor to enjoy while the matured one may be bitter and you might not like it as many of the gardeners do.
Cut your fresh cilantro freshly and use it within a few hours. Otherwise they might wilt. If you are going to store some of them for later application, store it at 32 degrees F being packaged in a plastic bag. After harvesting for current usage, if you think it will take several hours to use them, you can place the stems into a glass of water avoiding storing in refrigerator for a short time.
Problem facing
While you are opting to grow some hydroponic cilantro, you may face with some problems specially with two – bacterial leaves and powdery mildew. When the leaves are affected by bacteria, they result in some yellow spot on them. It happens only because of the excessive moisture or high humidity of the growing area.
The second one i.s powdery mildew is nothing uncommon as indoor pest and you can easily identify it by a powdery film that is white in color. To fight against this disease, ensure the proper temperature of your growing area. Also you won’t hesitate to weed out the affected seedlings soon after you identify the spot on the leaves. Some spray may be applicable if the attack is acute but before applying chemical, you are highly recommended to consult with an expert or an agricultural officer.
Again you might face with root rot. It is caused by inadequate oxygen at the root. Install an aquarium air stone in your hydroponic system or apply an air pump instead.
In cause of putting the system outdoor, the plants may also be affected by white-flies. They are very quick and can easily be everywhere on the plants. Treat quickly. Apply a dose of neem oil or such a spray that contains neem oil. Hope it’ll do enough to break the cycle of the pests.
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