Growing Vegetable All The Year Round

For the people of United Kingdom, keeping yourself in growing vegetable all the year round is a challenge to maintain. Late autumn is the season when we feel that there is hardly any harvest available to grow. The plants, in spring, when are bursting into maturity, also there are garden fresh vegetable rarely. Gardeners have to be calm and wait for the June.

growing veg all year round

People of further north need to wait longer for a starting of happy gardening. So, we are here today with some tips and tricks on how to overcome this “barren period” extending your growth of vegetable throughout the year.

Planning for Gardening

The first and foremost thing for gardening is to plan properly. Think what you want to grow, where the garden should be and when you should start to sow or plant out. Some helpful tips are here to consider:

  1. To start during the barren period (March to May) and the winter (from November onward).
  2. Being sorted, we will find June to October to be easy
  3. To note down your items of plants as it might be helpful for the next year especially at the time of rotating vegetable.
  4. Stop growing one crop excessively. Vegetable which demands careful storage and constant cooking such as lettuce, beans, onion and courgettes add to your work.

Covering Hungry Gap of Spring

If you do not have a green house, take the opportunity of January and February when there is cool and light windowsills, for sowing seeds or raising the plants early, in case of brassicas or lettuce, a module tray is perfect for sowing. Because such a tray allows the plants’ rapid growth ensuring the roots move down.

At the same time you need to remember that such a succession does not mean to be fruitful and effective for the kind of veg and you may have a supply of vegetable constantly.

How to Get Ahead of Summer Gap

After your first flush of spring sowing and planting, you need to continue to sow in mid-summer. Such an attempt will capture the productive growing of autumn. During September to November, we can plant onion and garlic as both of them will be ready within the June and July when the stored crops are almost empty or sold out.

For instance, carrot can be sown in June with the purpose of using in winter. You can also sow an early variety again in mid-July or August if you want to get the final and quick crop.

Let’s have a glance on mid-summer veg which can be farmed

  • Mid July – Beans, dwarf French, Beetroot, Carrots,
  • Mid Aug- Spring cabbage, Calabrese, Chicory, Chinese cabbage, Endive,
  • Aug- Kale, Spinach, Spinach beet

Selecting the Variety

It is ultimately important to select the right king of vegetable for a quicker and bumper crops at the start and end of the season. As alternative to spinach, we can select spinach beer and Swiss chard. It is useful and sort timed vegetable, can be grown within a few weeks rather that to cultivate for months. Lettuce is an excellent one for cultivation having a variety of size, color and shape.

Different Types of Vegetables to Select

  1. A particular types of vegetable that can easily be grown and come in many types is Kale. If you want to get leaves all around the winter and spring, sow it as late August.
  2. Kohl is a delicious vegetable but very hard to grow. Sow it as late February to august and get instant vegetable within a few weeks.
  3. It is Asparagus which needs a long time to a good harvest requiring a permanent spot. But it a great source to fill the gap of late April to early June.
  4. Squash is such a vegetable that can be stored well into the following year.
  5. Smaller cabbage refers to an early harvest as need not to a huge in size.


While growing vegetable, we need to recall several issues that can be wrong to grow vegetable:

  • Experiencing stress, some leafy veg are prone to bolting
  • Caterpillars can be harmful massively for the cabbage
  • Some veg like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are prone to club root
  • Following drought, root vegetables are prone to splitting
  • Pigeons attack mostly the winter vegetable and we need the protection of netting from autumn

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