Potatoes Nutrition and Amazing Health Benefits
Potato is probably the mostly used vegetable all over the world. People know potato as the king of all vegetables for its multiple food values and usages. Actually potato is found all around the year and all over the world. Potato has developed its appeal not because of its availability but because for its amazing health benefits and multiple nutrition. Now, let’s see the nutrition and health benefits of potatoes.
Nutrition of Potato
A potato of medium size (approximately 148 gm) contains.
- Food calories – 110 calorie
- Fat – 0 gm
- Cholesterol – o mg
- Sodium – 0 mg
- Carbohydrate – 26 g
- Dilatory fiber – 2 g
- Sugar – 1 g
- Protein – 3 g
- Calcium – 20 mg
- Iron – 1.1 mg
- Potassium – 620 mg
- Vitamin C – 27 mg
- Vitamin B6 – 0.2 mg
Health Benefits of Potato
There are a lot of health benefits of potato. We are about to to describe some of them.
Controlling Blood Pressure
To keep the blood pressure normal, potato plays an important role. Potato contains a chemical namely cocoa minus that maintains blood pressure. But we need to remember that eating a lot of potato results in sugar into the blood and over weight of the body.
Accelerating the Digestion
Potato is ever helpful for digestion as it contains high fiber. Thus, much like red spinach and papaya juice, it heals the liver as well.
Healing Our Skin
Much like the carrot juice, blended potato or the juice of it can heal our skin from spot, marks and acne problem. It provides vitamin C, B complex, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphors and so many elements which are very essential for the skin. Besides, it prevents the skin being damaged from the sun ray as the cucumber does so.
Disease Prevention
Potato contains a lot of vitamin C that helps developing disease prevention power in our body. The other essential elements which prevent disease are also provided in potato.
Reducing Psychological Stress
A huge amount of vitamin B6 is found in potato that is essential to keep us mentally fresh. It develops serotonin and dopamine namely neo transmitter. neo transmitter makes the brain sensitive and reduces stress to keep us cheerful all the day.
Keeping the Brain Active
There are glucose, oxygen, vitamin b complex, amino acid, omega 3 and fatty acid in the potato that keeps the brain active and prepared for sudden activity within a moment. Potato develops our brain as cauliflower does.
Actual Process to Eat Potato
Somebody think that a bowl of fried potato is enough to provide the elements. It is neither right yet. Sometimes we add extra salt and oil to make it more delicious. This is not wise it damages the actual and natural nutrition of the potato. The best way to eat potato is to bowl it or to bake it.
If you are a conscious person looking for diet, it is better not to eat more than a medium sized potato at a time. Put some additional vegetable beside it. That’s all for your regular diet.
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