How To Use Honey As a Rooting Hormone
How To use honey as a rooting hormone step by step guidelines. Stay with us to know about our article of Honey As a rooting hormone. Actually, There are many synthetic routing hormones available, including liquids, powders and gels that can promote rapid root growth in cuttings, but if you are an organic gardener or you prefer only a natural, chemical free alternative, you should definitely consider honey. A natural rooting stimulant. Honey works well as a natural root hormone because it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Honey protects the cuttings from germs and allows the natural hormones of the cuttings to stimulate root growth.
Some plants take root on their own without the need for root hormones, whereas other plants need a little help. Achieving a 100% success rate when promoting cuttings is rare, but rooting hormones can help increase your chances of success. Did you know that honey can contain enzymes for plant root growth? That’s true. Many have found success in using honey to cut roots. Maybe you can try it, too. Keep reading to know more about how to use honey for cutting. Need Know more scroll How To Use Honey As a Rooting Hormone below;
Use Honey As a rooting hormone
A study from the University of Hawaii showed that the cutting of the honey plant showed the ability to root but it was not as effective as the synthetic routing hormone. This is just a small study and although not as quick results as sweet synthetic hormones, it can increase the success rate of plant reproduction and you will see more consistent results than not using anything. Cleanliness is also an important part of the campaign. Cleaning and disinfecting your equipment is essential for creating healthy new plants.
Most honey root hormone recipes require mixing one tablespoon of honey in two cups of boiling water, but I prefer to use honey directly from the jar. Heating honey destroys the natural antibacterial and antifungal properties of honey, so it is best to use raw honey. (Regular honey heat treatment from the grocery store, so it will not help reproduction). You can also add a pinch of cinnamon to raw honey. Cinnamon has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help protect cuttings and allow the natural hormones found in cut green growth to form roots.
We all know that honey has many health benefits. After all, it is a natural antiseptic and has anti-fungal properties – both of which are thought to make honey work so well as a key hormone. In fact, just 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey contains about 64 calories and 17 grams of carbohydrates, most of which come from sugars, and this seems to give us much needed boost for plants. In addition to being a potential root agent, it is thought that using honey for cutting helps protect against bacterial or fungal problems, leaving small cuts healthy and strong.
How To Use Honey For Cutting
You can use honey for almost any type of cutting, including soft-wood, green-wood and hard-wood cuttings, including rose, camellia, hydrangea and geranium. Even juicy cuts can benefit from honey. The first step is to prepare your cutting. Depending on the tree, cut lengths should be 4 – 6 inches (10 – 15 cm) and cut at a 45-degree angle. The best time of year to take cuttings is late spring or early summer. Cuttings taken at other times of the year can still be used, but they may take longer to form roots. When your cut is ready, dip in each cut honey and then make a hole in the pot mixture with your finger for each cut.
Keep the potting media moist and you can expect roots to form in 7-14 days. Succulents can be dipped in honey and kept on the ground. Within a few weeks the roots will start to grow from the underside of the leaves. Honey can also be used for water reproduction. Just dip the cutting in honey and place it directly in the water. It can be potted when the roots reach about one inch (2 – 3 cm) in length. Here’s a quick video on how to use honey to cut semi-hardwood lavender. I hope you find it helpful. Dipping your cuttings in honey before planting will increase your breeding success rate. How To Use Honey As a Rooting Hormone for more see below.
How To Use Honey As a Rooting Hormone And Grow Well
If you are interested in giving these natural ways to root, you will probably find a few recipes floating around, all of which can be used. That said, you can try to find the one that works best for you by providing the best results. Some people add honey to willow water to help the roots. But just to get you started, I’ve come up with one more basic idea to make a honey / water mixture for your cut (it can be adjusted as needed).
- 1 Tbsp (15 ml) Honey – Pure, or raw, honey yields better than regular store-bought honey (which has processed / pasteurized, thus stripping of beneficial properties). So when buying honey from the store make sure that it is mentioned on the label whether it is “raw” or “pure” honey.
- 2 cups (0.47 L) of boiling water – Mix honey with your boiling water (do not boil honey yourself) and let it cool. Keep this mixture in an airtight container (such as a mason’s jar) until ready to use, store it somewhere away from light. This mixture should kept for up to two weeks.
- How To Use Honey As a Rooting Hormone more idea see below.
Root Cutting Hormone Finale Idea
When you are ready to start using honey in the original cutting, you must first prepare the medium of your cut and pot. Your cut length should be 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) and cut at about 45-degree angles. Now dip each cutting into the honey mixture then stick it through your chosen pot. Honey has shown to be effective for cutting using soil, water and even a variety of potting medium, including stone wool. For soil-based media, it is easiest to make a hole for each cut with a pencil (or your finger) for insertion.
Also, make sure to keep your soil moist. (If desired, you can cover the ventilation with plastic) The same idea applies to your soilless medium. When the roots are in the water, place your cuttings directly in the water immediately after planting in the honey. Finally, the planting medium should well saturated and deep enough to support your cuttings. Once all your cuttings have dipped and placed in their pots, wait for your cuts to begin to take root, which should be within a week. Thanks for co-operation and stay here