Cherry Tomato Nutrition and 15 Health Benefits
Cherry tomatoes are a popular vegetable of all. Cherry tomato is the favorite food for all big and small people. In many ways we eat ‘cherry tomato’. Someone likes to eat raw others love to eat salad or cook. In any way we can eat cherry tomatoes. Its really a matter of joy that there are lot of health benefits in cherry tomato. Now let’s know about the cherry tomato nutrition.
Cherry Tomato Nutrition
As mentioned by the experts, per 100 grams tomato:
- Vitamin A- 1000 IU
- Vitamin C- 23 milligram
- Calcium- 11 milligrams
- Iron- 0.6 milligrams
- Phosphorus- 27 milligrams
- Potassium– 360 milligrams
- Protein- 1 gram
- Glutamic Acid- 100-140 grams
- Energy- 20 calories
- Mineral- 94%
Health Benefits of Cherry Tomato
1. Cancer resistant
Cherry tomatoes are the natural sources of natural antioxidants that destroy cancer cells. We can apply such cherry tomatoes to minimize cancer risk.
02. To strengthen the heart
There are lots of cherry tomatoes in fiber, potassium and vitamin C. There is no alternative to eating tomatoes to keep the heart healthy.
03. To strengthen the body bones
There are lots of cherry tomatoes in calcium and vitamin K, which strengthen the body bones and break the broken bones faster.
04. Night blindness to cures diseases
Tomato enhances the eyesight of an adult people. Vitamin A is there in it, that’s cure the night blindness disease.
05. Reduce hair fall
That amount of vitamins A in tomatoes, it reduces our hair fall and strengthen the hair.
06. To prevent the kidney stone
Those who have problems in the kidneys, they keep the tomatoes in the food menu from today. The reason is that tomato does not allow kidney stones to grow.
07. Weight loss of tomato
Those who are concerned about obesity, they can accept this natural diet. Tomatoes can remove excess fat from our body daily and the body does not allow excess fat.
08. Removes the pain of the arthritis
People who have severe arthritis, can accept such tomatoes as food. Such tomatoes are useful to minimize the pain of arthritis.
09. Resistance to prostate cancer
Tomatoes have plenty amounts of beta-carotene content, which helps in preventing men’s prostate cancer. So, people who have problems in the prostate gland, they can be benefited by the tomatoes. They can keep the tomatoes in the food menu.
10. Care of skin
Our skin is harmful to sunlight, this cherry tomato protects from radioactive materials . And we can have a beautiful skin.
11. Lung cancer preventative
Tomatoes have high fiber and proteins, which reduce the risk of lung cancer.
12. High blood pressure control
Tomato is more fruitful for those who have high blood pressure problems.
13. Tomatoes in the control of diabetes
Eating 25 grams of tomatoes daily makes it much easier to control diabetes. 25 grams for men and for women 35 gm. tomato fruitful. This tomato keeps the body’s blood sugar under excellent control.
14. Tomato to prevent dehydration
Tomatoes are like natural medicines to prevent body dehydration. This tomato is strong in body.
15.To prevent depression
Though it is surprising to hear, it is true. Tomatoes reduce our depression. Cherries also improve our digestive system. This tomatoes is very useful for sleeping problems.
Beside, this vegetable is rich in calories and contains a plenty of Vitamin-C. Also, they fight against any skin diseases including scurvy. Vitamin C-foot prevents swelling of the disease. Tomato vitamin A is strong in body muscles. So, we should eat some cherries regularly.